Concert Hall
The centre was designed by DDJM Architects in Krakow. With a capacity of 650, the concert hall is the heart of the building. The 200-square-metre stage is designed to be multi-purpose. A movable orchestra pit allows for the performance of opera and ballet. The hall is equipped with the necessary technology for conferences, symposia and meetings.
The acoustics of the hall meet the highest international standards. Only natural materials such as oak and spruce have been used. Specialist vibro-acoustic advice was provided by the renowned German firm BBM Müller. As a result, the Concert Hall is one of the finest venues of its size in Europe, as acknowledged by both eminent artists performing in Lusławice and specialists in the recording industry. The hall is equipped with a high-tech studio, which enables professional audio-visual recording of events.
The Centre's educational facilities host training programmes, courses and art workshops. Project participants have access to a chamber hall, conference room, practice rooms, library, recording studio, dressing rooms, kitchen and dining room. The campus' spacious residential pavilion can accommodate up to 100 people. The entire building is equipped with the latest technological infrastructure. In the foreseeable future, the five hectares of land surrounding the building will be transformed into a natural monument. The area around the building will become a park, as intended by Krzysztof Penderecki, the patron of the CENTRE and a great lover of trees.
Sculpture gallery
(...) This unique place not only encourages the development of young musical talents, but also treats its visitors to other forms of art. This is thanks to the POLYPHONE OF ARTS project initiated by the Centre's first director, Adrianna Poniecka-Piekutowska. The Adam Myjak Gallery marks the beginning of this project, and the opening of the Gallery of Polish Music Posters from the second half of the 20th century is a continuation of this interdisciplinary project.
Adam Myjak's work is an absolutely unique phenomenon, and the artist himself is one of the most outstanding contemporary Polish sculptors. His work is characterised by a permanent creative restlessness and a constant need to express his own vision of the world. The universe of his sculptures goes beyond ordinary patterns and art forms. It is full of human heads, busts, figures or fragments of them.
(Extract from the introduction to the gallery catalogue by Maria Kurpik)
Programy finansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Letnia Akademia Muzyki adresowana jest do uczestników będących na zaawansowanym etapie rozwoju muzycznego. Jej idea opiera się na relacji mistrz-uczeń, w imię której do prowadzenia kursów mistrzowskich zapraszani są najznakomitsi muzycy - pedagodzy, soliści, kameraliści, członkowie czołowych europejskich orkiestr. Istotą Letniej Akademii Muzyki jest stworzenie wyjątkowych warunków do rozwoju umiejętności młodych instrumentalistów poprzez zapewnienie im kadry mistrzowskiej na najwyższym europejskim poziomie. Łącząc tak znakomite grono Pedagogów z zaletami lusławickiego kampusu Europejskiego Centrum Muzyki Krzysztofa Pendereckiego, Letnia Akademia Muzyki pretenduje do grona najcenniejszych inicjatyw edukacyjnych dla muzyków znajdujących się u progu profesjonalnej kariery i przygotowujących się do największych wyzwań: międzynarodowych konkursów, egzaminów do orkiestr czy aplikacji na prestiżowe studia magisterskie i podyplomowe.
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury - państwowego funduszu celowego.
EU funding
"Construction of the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Lusławice".
Project No. :
Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music
The contract regarding the co-financing of the project from the European Regional Development Fund was signed by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage - Piotr Żuchowski - and the then CEO of the European Krzysztof Penderecki Music Centre, Adrianna Poniecka - Piekutowska, on 1 June 2010.
The signing of the agreement was preceded by the inclusion of the project on the List of Individual Projects of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment.
Description 'Construction of the European Krzysztof Penderecki Music Centre' was one of the projects co-financed under Measure 11.2 Development and improvement of cultural infrastructure of supra-regional significance, Infrastructure and Environment Programme. The project covered the construction and furnishing of the European Krzysztof Penderecki Music Centre in Lusławice. The scope of the project included the following phases: site preparation, construction and finishing works, together with land development, construction of auxiliary facilities, connection of the facilities to the network and equipping of the facility. In accordance with the design, natural materials such as wood and sandstone were used in the construction, as well as a light, glazed façade surrounded by a wooden colonnade.The project brought to life a fully functional venue comprising: a concert hall with a teaching complex, accommodation with rehearsal rooms, a library and complementary infrastructure. The facility has been fully adapted and equipped to fulfil the missions of the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music in terms of musical education and the organisation of cultural life on a national and European scale. The Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music in Lusławice was opened to the public on 21 May 2013.
In the newly built premises, the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music will be able to fulfil its main statutory objectives, i.e. to help young performers develop their skills in music interpretation (solo, chamber and orchestral music), to improve the technique of young instrumentalists, singers and conductors in the field of music interpretation, with a special emphasis on contemporary music.
Project duration:
years 2010 to 2013
The cost of the investment is the amount of: PLN 65,081,275.56, of which:
- PLN 54,583,877.89 came from ERDF funds (Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013)
- PLN 10.5 million from national sources (including PLN 5 million - budget of the Małopolskie Voivodeship, PLN 4.9 million - budget of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, PLN 0.6 million - Krzysztof Penderecki Academy Association, International Music Centre).
Source of funding: European Regional Development Fund
Operational Programme: Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment
Priority: XI Culture and cultural heritage
Measure: 11.2 Development and improvement of cultural infrastructure of supra-regional importance
Institutions involved in project implementation
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (then Ministry of Regional Development) (Managing Authority of the OP IE)
- Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Intermediate Body for Priority XI of the OP IE)
- Implementing Authority for European Programmes (then 2nd Level Intermediate Body/Implementing Authority for Priority XI of OP Infrastructure and Environment).
Institutions involved in project implementation
- Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (then Ministry of Regional Development) (Managing Authority of OPIE)
- Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (Intermediate Body for Priority XI of the OP IE)
- Implementing Authority for European Programmes (then 2nd Level Intermediate Body/ Implementing Authority for Priority XI of OPIE)
Reporting potential irregularities or fraud in the implementation of projects financed under the 2014-2020 perspective
Reporting potential irregularities or fraud in the implementation of projects financed under the 2014-2020 perspective
We would like to inform you that for the institutions involved in the implementation of OPI&E 2014-2020, the Guidelines for dealing with suspicions of fraud under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (section 9.1.4.) provide a mechanism for signalling suspected irregularities, including fraud in projects implemented under the Programme.
Reported signals of irregularities or fraud will allow for the introduction of appropriate countermeasures and contribute to ensuring the highest standards of project implementation.
In order to report irregularities or fraud, please:
use the form: https://nieprawidlowosci.mrr.g...
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